
Spotter tk97
Gespot in Sydney (NSW), Australia
Datum 28-10-2024 07:17

The owner did 2 laps around Double Bay and than let his wife drive back. He is one of the well known car collectors who uses his cars a lot.


Camera ILCE-6400
Diafragma 4.0
Sluitertijd 1/2000
Brandpuntafstand 18.0 mm

Auto details

Topsnelheid 330 km/u
Acceleratie 0-100 km/u 2.80 s
Vermogen 765 pk
Koppel 800 Nm @ 5500 rpm
Gewicht 1339 kg

Aantal reacties op deze spot

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Autodebiel  - 28-10-2024 om 07:23

    Heerlijk spotje!

  2. Profile pic
    AUSTRALIA Vp376  - 28-10-2024 om 07:37

    Nice spot! Was this on Sunday?

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS RvdS-Photography  - 28-10-2024 om 07:39

    Heerlijke spot en gave combo met de senna.

  4. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS tk97  - 28-10-2024 om 07:48

    @Vp376 yes this was one of the few new cars last weekend. Most of the cars at the white rabbit were the same as always and Indigo was quiet dead last weekend, only a TVR and an Exige

  5. Profile pic
    VIETNAM Khanh223  - 28-10-2024 om 08:37

    nice pics man!

  6. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Jfvspots  - 28-10-2024 om 09:13

    Kleurtje is super!

  7. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 28-10-2024 om 11:09

    Stunning car and pics, crazy combos as well!

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Rover-Spots  - 28-10-2024 om 19:59

    Enorm dikke spot en combo!

  9. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Exclusive_Spottertje  - 31-10-2024 om 22:41


  10. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS De Friezen Crew  - 03-11-2024 om 13:16

    Photo 1 👏🏻

  11. Dit is niet ok

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